Friday, March 18, 2011

when it turns to green...

three...! Go!
When I came to Art History, Lucas Hall 200, I was wondering "should I be a good girl once in a while as to pay attention to the lecture or keep my nose in my book?"...I sat down on the chair I felt about right doing nothing but staring into the space in front of me for a good 7 mins. Then I took out my phone, yeah, it was easy to guess whose called had been missed. Something like "busy on Thursday" or "emergency" from voice mail I can't even recall and I was like "fewwww, I'm still being blessed"
For some mysterious reason that I don't think I can tell, people who said "I'll be there at...o' clock" to me would never be there. When I was in fourth grade, a girl in my class who promised to pick me up at school on Saturday (maybe Sunday though, not sure) to the teacher's house for a picnic or something like that. Ok, I was 9 years old. 9 years old. With a bad full of green mangos my mom had bought. And that kid never showed up. Not that I felt upset or anything about the date that was cancelled by the person who asked me for a date, (I actually felt relieved I didn't have to spend my precious Thursday evening with him and ended up going to Central West End by MetroLinks to have sushi with SaSa) but when I think about it, I never had any images about me going out with him and it was no surprise to me to hear that voice mail. Just like that sunny Saturday, at the moment I got to school, the feeling that she never showed up arose from nowhere and stayed there with me for the whole time I stood waiting in acknowledgement of being stood up. I told you, I have 6th sense. Ahha!
Hey, sometimes I seriously wonder where life will lead me to. I'm a major Computer Sci who has blogged three days in a row this week, hihi, and still thinks how Vietnamese dramas at this moment can still be so not attractive. Last year at this time, I thought I would become a teacher or a screen writer. Now my major is still about writing, but instead of stories, I deal with codes. It's like when you stop in front of a light, you said to yourself "when it turns to green, I will go straight" but then you pause for a moment, then turn right or left or around and still not knowing if you should have taken the path you told yourself. It takes time to know something. I guess. And more time to love. And a little more to make sure if it's love. And a whole life to really know and really love.
I'm getting sleepy here. Can't deal with typing my thoughts out anymore
In case you wanna know, I spent 1h15' in ArtHis to read Wind-up Bird Chronicle again.
Have to stop now. I still haven't brushed my teeth yet.

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