Thursday, March 17, 2011

don't tell my mom

So it's 1.04 AM in the morning, and here I am, (once again, I know), staying up late. If my mom ever found out my so-not-normal schedule of sleeping and eating, she would kill me for sure.
Ok. I wanna write something. I don't know, I have no specific things in my mind, but I just want to tell something, anything, who cares?
I never really thought about Japan until my dad told me that the renter, a Japanese man, has lost his father in the earthquake and his two sons are still missing. Life is that fragile. One day people are there and the next morning, they could be gone. I can't make up my mind, what is worse: knowing for sure someone has died or keeping on telling oneself "he could be found someday". I felt somewhat hollow. What tomorrow will be?
And today afternoon, I have to go out with Mr.JJ. How weird! I'm kinda freaked out actually. Sasa told me to text her his license plate, in case I don't get home by 9 or 10, she'll know what to do. I don't know. The first date ever in my life is with someone I have nothing to do with. Common', I'm 18. This is...pathetic, I have to admit. I had like huge crush on anh Tùng, then anh HQ (well, not as big as what I had for Mr.Tùng) but nothing came out of it. No dates. No going out just the two of us. So why? Ok, I know why. Because I came to the clubhouse to get my package on a freakin Saturday on which nobody was working. I knew it was Saturday, and couldn't connect it to the fact everyone is off on weekends. And for the n-th time, I said to myself "TuTi (<~hihi, I just suddenly want to call myself by that), something is reeaaaally wrong with your mind." but still, I found no way to fix it. That something keeps on being wrong and I keep on bringing myself into awkward situations. Sometimes I wish I could be a little bit more like a normal girl though.
Today, MướpMướp called me when I was in Art History review session (let's not talk about the great sleepiness it can always bring). I called her back when I was sitting on that thing which looks like the heater to me by the large window when you go down stair in SSB building. It felt kind cool, she was like "I just wanna say I like that guy who has just let me copy his homework" and I was like "I wanna say I love Jae Wook and Prince Coffee shop too" but I was too sure she would replied "con chó ku" to tease her, hihihi.
Mr.JJ called me too, before Mướp did. But I didn't call back. I pretended to myself that I was tired and forgot all about it. Whatever.
Oh yeah, Mr.Tùng replied me on facebook 2 days ago. Jeezz, he was too busy between working partime and searching for a job in New Zealand that he hardly got on facebook or yahoo anymore. But he said he was happy to receive my messages. Hahaha, I knew it. He still doesn't like me, i mean like me in any romantic way but I'm no such ordinary girl to him. Whatever anh. I hope for no earthquakes there this weekend.
The weather is supposed to be super fine tomorrow. I would still rush in to Macroecon class at least 2 min's late, then go down stair to Calc knowing the professor would say "Today is Thursday. And you know what's on Thursday. We have a quiz today", then go to 200 Lucas Hall for Art His to have good attendance and read my Wind-up Bird Chronicle book there for 1h15'. After that I would go home, maybe on my feet instead of taking the shuttle since the weather is nice, have a little something for lunch, take a nap in the anxiety of knowing it would be 5.30 soon.
Now I found out what Hiền's career in the future is called: gynecologist.
I have one question. When will we grow up? hahahha
Ok. Enough. I have two quizzes tomorrow. So I should go to bed now.
Don't let my mom know my usual bedtime is 2. Ok? I don't want to get killed when I haven't even turned to any age of twenties yet. Especially by my own mom. Hihi
Good morning guys!!!! Wake up and have the best of today.
See you soon.
The hottest blogger on Earth is waving: :-h =))

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