Thursday, March 31, 2011

drier number 20 in laundry room

So it was a regular night in Apt. 736. We did laundry. Roommate studied for her Bio test and big MCAT (medical school entrance test). Too much stuff to memorize, I still don't get it how people can remember so many words in their heads. She was sitting on the cushion put on the floor by the coffee table sometimes concentrating in notes and sometimes playing Brain Buddies as I was stretching out on the sofa with a blanket over myself reading a little book called "Goodbye Tsugumi". I can't deny that I like it when she stayed at home with me. You know, it always feels good to have someone to talk to, to laugh at some lame joke or to make fun of each other. Then she headed to bed and I jumped in right next to her and we talked (bad) about some people around us. She's always sound asleep when we're done talking. It's like when you feel really sleepy but sleep hasn't found its way to you yet and you turn the TV on or somebody starts telling you about something, while you're enjoying it you're falling into your dream. That's a way a good sleep starts.
About one more months until finals. We are three quarters through an academic year. Fall, winter and now spring, I've spent almost a year being a college student, living in Apt 736, having my very first roommate and getting somewhat close to her. She will graduate next year and go to med school. I will stay here until it's my turn to graduate. Perhaps when we are all grownups, these little nights we spent together will come back with a little laughter and have characteristics of a dream.
I haven't done much these days. How sad. Days passed by without remarks and I can't even tell them apart. Spring break huh? Oh, I did almost nothing if you ask. I want to buy some more books but have like 20 something left in my US bank account after paying my rent for April. My closet looks boring all years round. Winter is easy in a way that you just need to put on sweatshirts or hoodies with your coat and that's it, you're all set. Now that spring is here and it strikes me that I only shopped for clothes like once or twice since August. And I bet you cant find something that looks the least bit like dress up clothes (don't count my prom dress). Sigh. Maybe I should "invest" in clothes more. Just to look like a neat girl who knows how to take care of herself (even though she may not).
And I don't know why two piles of SaSa's clothes got dried but my only one didn't while I was the one put all of them into the driers in the laundry room. I like the word "jinx" which I learned from "Chronicle of the Wind-up Bird (which I wish I could comprehend), just the sound of it could make you nod your head without the need to look it up in dictionaries "this word absolutely means bad luck or something like that". Drier number 20. I will remember you baby.
I got Mướp hooked up with On Air now. Haha, I told you, it's the drama that started everything and made me wonder what I want to become.
Hopefully I won't forget to wash my bras tomorrow (washing machines only destroy your bras, you know). And maybe make my class schedule for next semester. Have to fold my clothes tomorrow too.
It's funny to hear roommate grinding her teeth while she's sleeping though it was so creepy when I first heard it.
I like the smell of freshly washed clothes.
Tee hee!

Monday, March 28, 2011

vì cô ấy quá rảnh rỗi

Mình đã làm project Comp Sci xong từ tối hôm qua, chính xác là sáng sớm hôm nay. Mất 5 tiếng làm tới làm lui để nhận ra mình thiếu khoảng 5 cặp dấu ngoặc đơn. Man, I love Computer Science! Bài tập Econ cũng làm rồi. Chỉ còn bài Art His 1 trang double spaced. Spring break thật rảnh rỗi hả?
Những lúc rảnh rỗi cũng tức là những lúc tất cả ý chí động lực bay biến đi đâu mất. Đọc sách, học tiếng Hàn, lên kế hoạch tốt nghiệp 3 năm, bla bla bla...mỗi khi nghĩ đến là "Mẹ bà, làm biếng quá xá". Còn trẻ, người ta nhiều lúc thích trì hoãn mọi thứ hả?
Lần thứ 2 coi lại On Air, vẫn cảm thấy mới toanh như hồi còn học cấp 3. Wo, ước mơ biên kịch của mình lại trỗi dậy một cách mãnh liệt. Hahha, nếu có ngày mình viết một cái entry là "Phương Thảo and the wildest dreams" thì chắc chắn biên kịch nằm trong đó rồi đó. Đến bây giờ, vẫn không thể xác định đó là ước mơ thật sự, kiểu ước mơ mà người ta có dũng cảm để theo đuổi đến cùng, để được sống vì nó và làm việc điên cuồng vì nó. Mà, chắc không phải đâu ha, tui yếu đuối lắm, chắc là làm không nổi đâu.
Nhớ hồi 12 bên NJ, có thời gian tối nào mình cũng suy nghĩ sẽ học gì đây. Giáo viên, biên kịch, bussiness person,...thậm chí cái bữa nói chuyện một mình với Freifelder mà mình xém xỉu vì crush on ổng quá nhiều đó, mình đã nói với ổng là thật ra mình muốn trở thành giáo viên. Cũng thật là, mình ghét cái trường đó kinh khủng đến nỗi cũng không biết phải miêu tả là mình ghét nó như thế nào nữa. Vậy mà Freifelder, Mrs. Higgins đã làm mình nghĩ "làm teacher coi bộ cũng được ha". Rồi mình học programming, cái vụ này chưa từng thoáng qua trong đầu mình. Đột ngột và không bình thường đến nỗi lần đầu tiên nghe, ai cũng quay đầu lại nhìn mình hỏi "gì, thiệt không. Giỡn quài. Không phải thích viết hả" ngoại trừ ba mình ổng cười khà khà vì mình nghe lời ổng. Ờ, thiệt đó. Thì giờ tui cũng viết, mà viết program. Giờ tui cũng học ngôn ngữ, mà là C++. Thật ra mình đang học rất ổn, không có đang thua kém ai hết trơn. Cũng thấy thích thú mỗi khi làm project nữa. Cảm giác ngồi quá trời tiếng đồng hồ tập trung vô màn hình vi tính, ráng nhìn coi rốt cuộc là mình đã làm sai chỗ nào, viết đi viết lại mấy chục lần để test rồi đến khi nó works, cũng có chút tự hào với bản thân. Như vậy, có thể nói là mình có cảm tình với môn này chút xíu được rồi không?
Hôm bữa đó, một nhỏ bạn khá thân hồi còn học lhp mới kể rằng nó mới chia tay, mà người nó mới chia tay là con gái. Lúc đó hả, mình đã nghĩ "mẹ bà, mấy bữa thấy để stt lung tung hỏi thì không có nói đâu, bữa nay chia tay rồi tự nhiên vô kể, mà còn kể chuyện li kì nữa chứ" làm bữa đó đi học Uni Studies 50' về buồn ngủ muốn chết mà ngồi chat với nó đến gần 1h chiều. Mình nghe nó nói đến chữ "yêu" đã buộc miệng thành lời "còn nhỏ mà biết yêu là gì trời" háhá và một lần quên mất mình và những người duy nhất đọc blog này, chúng ta tất cả đã có thể officially going out with someone.
James Blunt dạo này bảnh đó. Mới cắt tóc, cũng đô hơn nữa. Coi được ghê đó. Hahaha. Lần đầu tiên nghe bài "If time is all I have", mình đã ôm tim hồi hộp, "cha nội này không định khóc thiệt phải không trời". Người gì mỗi lần hát, là giọng cũng run rẩy như thiệt, bực ghê.
Bây giờ mình nên đi đánh răng rửa mặt trước hay đọc sách trước? Mẹ bà, đến giờ mình ngày nào cũng suy nghĩ mấy chuyện "đại sự" giống vậy, hihi

Thursday, March 24, 2011

a gloomy spring day

Reading calms me down. I knew how to read pretty early. Ok, I know you wouldn't believe it, but what I'm gonna tell now can't be more true. So when I was like 4 or 5, generally speaking I was still in kindergarten, one day, my mom took me to nhà sách Phi Vũ (hahaha, that bookstore has been there for more than 10 years, this is freakin ridiculous right?) because I had been insisting on her. Maybe I was fed up with toys that day, I picked out a book after looking carefully at those high shelves. You know, the kind of super thin books that couldn't be thinner with lots of pictures and only a line or two each page. The theme color was yellow and the book was about a duck. That's all I can recall, but the moment I opened the book when I got home, all those lines of words suddenly made perfect sense to me. At that time, I was only taught to read and write single letters and syllables. Before I learned the story of the duck, words are still a mystery to me. This doesn't sound very convincing but that's why I never spent a night practicing reading paragraphs when I was in first grade. Hahaha, at least my life has some shining point.
And reading brings sound to my quite quiet current life. At those late nights stretching myself on the sofa holding a book before bedtime, I really thought to myself "I do like to read". Unlike my juvenile years in which I bought tons of mangas, I don't read too much now. Several pages a day. During Art History class. While waiting for the Calc professor to come. After brushing my teeth for bed. On a lazy weekend afternoon. Enough to keep the surface of my life unflat but having something up and down.
Thursday night right before spring break, the temperature has dropped itself down to 39 F, I am covering myself with a blanket, putting my feet up on the chair, asking Dương if her dog is dead and if she is sad. Apart from the humming the refrigerator, it is utterly silent. I'm the only that's breathing in this apartment. It is so weird to think that way. Sometimes I'm alone and I don't feel lonely. Sometimes I am not alone and I am lonely. And sometimes I am alone and I am lonely. I've got used to it anyway, don't worry. Trust me.
There are people who can fit themselves in anywhere and there are people who can't find themselves anywhere but home. When I was younger, I thought I was the first kind. But I never was.
I don't sleep good these days. Only shallow and dreamy sleeps come to find me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I tried to be nice. But it wasn't much appeciated.

This is bad.
I have an Art His test tomorrow and I haven't half way gone through everything yet. Arrrr, classes requiring memorization just don't get along with me. How much I appreciate the fact that I'm a Comp Sci major now, hahah.
Ok, no more joking. Here comes the serious stuff.
I got stood up again today. Can you believe that? The story is, there is that guy who emailed everyone in Art His class that he needed to copy down the notes for the test tomorrow, and I was so nice to offer lending him my notes. (He's not handsome, I checked out his facebook to make sure I'll know it's him when we meet. I'm such a really good kid, right?). Just because a couple of weeks ago, I did the same thing as he did and the only response I got back was when I already found my notes. So I thought "well, what if no one replies him, an offer wouldn't cost me anything"....anyway, he said he would be in front of the library at 5.30 and I was there from 5.20 'till 5.35 and then I had to go 'cause I was already late for my Computer Sci class. The first thing when I sat down in front of the desktop in class was emailing him. I didn't want him to screw up the test just because he couldn't find me (common', I was sitting right in front of the library when hardly no one was around 'cause they already went to class) or something suddenly came up with him and maybe we could meet after class and I would wait for him to finish jotting down notes. No response. I hate it. I really do. What's wrong with people? Don't they have common sense? If he didn't need my notes anymore, just freakin say sorry and I would just be totally ok with that. Why would people cancel an arrangement made by 2 parties on their own? I mean, not like I needed to see him, he was the one who needed help, right? Since when people don't know how to act anymore.
I finished reading "The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" yesterday. It was a great book which I kinda don't understand almost anything. Don't get me wrong, I didn't say it in an ironic way. I mean it, seriously. Its attractiveness is no need to be mentioned. And after I found out that they actually cut 2 chapters off in the English translation since there is a super ridiculous thing called "word limitation", I felt a-little-bit mad. What the hell? How do you suppose people to understand a book when it is not wholly translated?
I'm done with throwing angry words out.
I was so bored that I had to blog.

Friday, March 18, 2011

when it turns to green...

three...! Go!
When I came to Art History, Lucas Hall 200, I was wondering "should I be a good girl once in a while as to pay attention to the lecture or keep my nose in my book?"...I sat down on the chair I felt about right doing nothing but staring into the space in front of me for a good 7 mins. Then I took out my phone, yeah, it was easy to guess whose called had been missed. Something like "busy on Thursday" or "emergency" from voice mail I can't even recall and I was like "fewwww, I'm still being blessed"
For some mysterious reason that I don't think I can tell, people who said "I'll be there at...o' clock" to me would never be there. When I was in fourth grade, a girl in my class who promised to pick me up at school on Saturday (maybe Sunday though, not sure) to the teacher's house for a picnic or something like that. Ok, I was 9 years old. 9 years old. With a bad full of green mangos my mom had bought. And that kid never showed up. Not that I felt upset or anything about the date that was cancelled by the person who asked me for a date, (I actually felt relieved I didn't have to spend my precious Thursday evening with him and ended up going to Central West End by MetroLinks to have sushi with SaSa) but when I think about it, I never had any images about me going out with him and it was no surprise to me to hear that voice mail. Just like that sunny Saturday, at the moment I got to school, the feeling that she never showed up arose from nowhere and stayed there with me for the whole time I stood waiting in acknowledgement of being stood up. I told you, I have 6th sense. Ahha!
Hey, sometimes I seriously wonder where life will lead me to. I'm a major Computer Sci who has blogged three days in a row this week, hihi, and still thinks how Vietnamese dramas at this moment can still be so not attractive. Last year at this time, I thought I would become a teacher or a screen writer. Now my major is still about writing, but instead of stories, I deal with codes. It's like when you stop in front of a light, you said to yourself "when it turns to green, I will go straight" but then you pause for a moment, then turn right or left or around and still not knowing if you should have taken the path you told yourself. It takes time to know something. I guess. And more time to love. And a little more to make sure if it's love. And a whole life to really know and really love.
I'm getting sleepy here. Can't deal with typing my thoughts out anymore
In case you wanna know, I spent 1h15' in ArtHis to read Wind-up Bird Chronicle again.
Have to stop now. I still haven't brushed my teeth yet.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

don't tell my mom

So it's 1.04 AM in the morning, and here I am, (once again, I know), staying up late. If my mom ever found out my so-not-normal schedule of sleeping and eating, she would kill me for sure.
Ok. I wanna write something. I don't know, I have no specific things in my mind, but I just want to tell something, anything, who cares?
I never really thought about Japan until my dad told me that the renter, a Japanese man, has lost his father in the earthquake and his two sons are still missing. Life is that fragile. One day people are there and the next morning, they could be gone. I can't make up my mind, what is worse: knowing for sure someone has died or keeping on telling oneself "he could be found someday". I felt somewhat hollow. What tomorrow will be?
And today afternoon, I have to go out with Mr.JJ. How weird! I'm kinda freaked out actually. Sasa told me to text her his license plate, in case I don't get home by 9 or 10, she'll know what to do. I don't know. The first date ever in my life is with someone I have nothing to do with. Common', I'm 18. This is...pathetic, I have to admit. I had like huge crush on anh Tùng, then anh HQ (well, not as big as what I had for Mr.Tùng) but nothing came out of it. No dates. No going out just the two of us. So why? Ok, I know why. Because I came to the clubhouse to get my package on a freakin Saturday on which nobody was working. I knew it was Saturday, and couldn't connect it to the fact everyone is off on weekends. And for the n-th time, I said to myself "TuTi (<~hihi, I just suddenly want to call myself by that), something is reeaaaally wrong with your mind." but still, I found no way to fix it. That something keeps on being wrong and I keep on bringing myself into awkward situations. Sometimes I wish I could be a little bit more like a normal girl though.
Today, MướpMướp called me when I was in Art History review session (let's not talk about the great sleepiness it can always bring). I called her back when I was sitting on that thing which looks like the heater to me by the large window when you go down stair in SSB building. It felt kind cool, she was like "I just wanna say I like that guy who has just let me copy his homework" and I was like "I wanna say I love Jae Wook and Prince Coffee shop too" but I was too sure she would replied "con chó ku" to tease her, hihihi.
Mr.JJ called me too, before Mướp did. But I didn't call back. I pretended to myself that I was tired and forgot all about it. Whatever.
Oh yeah, Mr.Tùng replied me on facebook 2 days ago. Jeezz, he was too busy between working partime and searching for a job in New Zealand that he hardly got on facebook or yahoo anymore. But he said he was happy to receive my messages. Hahaha, I knew it. He still doesn't like me, i mean like me in any romantic way but I'm no such ordinary girl to him. Whatever anh. I hope for no earthquakes there this weekend.
The weather is supposed to be super fine tomorrow. I would still rush in to Macroecon class at least 2 min's late, then go down stair to Calc knowing the professor would say "Today is Thursday. And you know what's on Thursday. We have a quiz today", then go to 200 Lucas Hall for Art His to have good attendance and read my Wind-up Bird Chronicle book there for 1h15'. After that I would go home, maybe on my feet instead of taking the shuttle since the weather is nice, have a little something for lunch, take a nap in the anxiety of knowing it would be 5.30 soon.
Now I found out what Hiền's career in the future is called: gynecologist.
I have one question. When will we grow up? hahahha
Ok. Enough. I have two quizzes tomorrow. So I should go to bed now.
Don't let my mom know my usual bedtime is 2. Ok? I don't want to get killed when I haven't even turned to any age of twenties yet. Especially by my own mom. Hihi
Good morning guys!!!! Wake up and have the best of today.
See you soon.
The hottest blogger on Earth is waving: :-h =))

Sunday, March 13, 2011

một tuần nữa đến mùa xuân

Tối chủ nhật. Trời đang mưa mưa và có sleet. Cái cây trước ban công lấp lánh lấp lánh những giọt nước như thủy tinh, đẹp thiệt đẹp mà máy chụp hình của tao không có đủ độ xịn để chụp được cái đẹp đó cho tụi bây coi. Không biết chừng nào, tụi mình mới có thể cùng nhìn thấy những thứ tao đang thấy. Roommate đã lên giường trùm mền. Dạo này tao với bả cũng khá là thân thiết, lúc nào cũng có chiện để cười. Bả đi chợ nấu ăn, tao dọn dẹp nhà cửa. Cuộc sống khá bình yên, không có gì phải phiền lòng. (thì nói chứ lâu lâu cũng phải có, chứ tao đâu có phải thánh nữ mà bỏ qua hết tất cả, hihi)
Nhiều khi nghĩ thấy cũng giật mình. Tụi mình đang ở cái độ tuổi mà hả, người lớn gặp có thể hỏi câu "con gái có bạn trai chưa" một cách hợp lí, đúng tình huống. Thì ra tụi mình đã lớn đến vậy rồi. Những chuyện như là hẹn hò, có người theo đuổi cũng nên là chuyện bình thường. Vậy mà lúc nào cũng chỉ biết thích thích người khác, người ta làm gì thì cũng khoái khoái rồi tối đi ngủ trùm mền nghĩ lại đỏ mặt cười một mình. Đôi khi quên mất, không còn lâu nữa thì giơ tay ra đã chạm đến tuổi 20. Trời, thời gian thiệt giống như chiện đùa hả? Mà hôm qua, đọc note Mướp Mướp, nó ghi là đã 19 tuổi cái nghĩ "hên thiệt, học xong năm nhất mình vẫn còn 18 [thở ra nhẹ nhõm, fewwww]."
Nhưng mà, nếu hè này về, thì mình cũng 19 y chang nó. Không sợ lớn lên mà chỉ sợ về thấy ba mẹ già đi. Tính ra ở bên đây cũng gần 2 năm, mà vẫn sợ cảm giác mình bước vô cánh cửa ở sân bay, biết chắc ánh mắt ba mẹ đang nhìn theo mình, lúc nào trong đầu cũng đầy nỗi lo "không biết nó có chút éc vậy rồi sống sao nữa". Cảm giác đó, nghĩ tới là thấy xót xa trong lòng. Giống như mình thì đi đến biết bao nhiêu chân trời mới lạ, còn ba mẹ mình thì chỉ có thể nhìn theo mình. Mà mình thì sau này, biết có làm ba mẹ tự hào, có kiếm được một đống tiền trả lại không, rồi biết có làm đủ cho con mình đi du học vầy không. Cuộc đời mình, nghĩ đến tiền bạc, chỉ nghĩ được nhiêu đó, chứ cũng chả biết có nhiều tiền để làm gì.
Hôm rày ông nội Tùng có update mấy cái daily Horoscope vớ vẩn trên fb, mà một cái message trả lời cũng không thấy. Wall thì cũng không mở. Trước giờ hả, mình mà gửi offline coi, hôm sau thấy nhắn lại liền. Rốt cuộc là ổng bị gì? Mẹ bà mệt quá, thì lâu lâu nghĩ chiện này nó không có đúng nên muốn biết, chứ bạn tụi bây, không có bị điên giờ này còn mê ổng. Uix, nói gì vậy?
Muốn nghe chiện hấp dẫn không. Là vầy, thứ 5 này tao phải đi-ra-ngoài với chú JJ đó. Freaked out ghê. Nghĩ sao vậy, tui mới có 18 tuổi àh, kiu tui đi với ổng gần ba chục. Tui còn trẻ lắm nha, không biết phải làm sao đâu. Mà đáng lí ra, ở tuổi này, thì vấn đề này cũng đâu có gì bất bình thường. Thì con gái lớn rồi, người ta rủ đi chơi, đâu có sai. Trời ơiiiiiiiii, nhưng mà tui hay bị freaked out lắm, tui đâu biết làm sao đâu, tui còn nhỏ mà. Đừng thích tui nha, tui chỉ thích Bình Minh thôi mà :(
Khi coi Tiệm café hoàng tử tới mấy khúc mà nguyên đám trong tiệm cùng nhau đùa giỡn, đi du lịch, lúc đó trong lòng đã nghĩ liền tới cái câu mà mình viết trong blog này hồi nào đó "ước gì chỉ cần cùng nhau là tụi mình có thể balô lên rừng xuống biển"...
Tao không muốn sến giống Mướp đâu nha, bây giờ nó còn đọc thơ như mấy thằng chuyên Toán hay sến súa nữa chứ. Mấy bữa nữa nó sắm cuốn sổ rồi ghi chữ bự bự đẹp đẹp "sổ tay thi ca" như hồi đó mình hay chép nhạc liền đó cho tụi bây coi, hahaha.
Cuộc sống dạo này đúng là chẳng có gì để phiền lòng. Ăn uống ngon. Nhà cửa sạch sẽ. Rommate mắc cười. Trường học đang going ok. Bạn bè gắn bó. Ờ, cũng có chút. Nói chứ, sao đến giờ tao còn mụn vậy, chiện này hình như nó không có đúng [chép miệng...] .
Sáng mai thức dậy, ngày thứ Hai lại đến. Nhưng mà không có thấy nản. Ờ quên, có đến thứ 5 thì hơi sợ chút. Nhưng mà không giống ngày xưa, high school như một giấc mơ đáng sợ. Mỗi ngày đi đi về về như một cái bóng, dù mình có thích thầy Freifelder và muốn gặp ổng, muốn nói chuyện với ổng nhiều ơi là nhiều, nhưng mà cũng không đủ để có thể làm mình nhớ về senior year in high school như một kí ức đẹp. Freifelder là một điều không thể quên. Còn năm học cuối cùng là một thứ không muốn nhớ. Bây giờ, cũng đi học một mình, vô lớp cũng học giỏi ít nói, nhưng thấy thích căn nhà mình đang ở, thích mỗi khi roommate có mặt ở nhà làm chiện mắc cười, thích thấy bạn bè mình vẫn bên cạnh mình.
Khi anh Thanh tâm sự với tao chiện tình cảm, ổng nói là "really need somebody to talk to", tao đã cảm thấy cuộc sống của tao thật là ổn. Không phải tại vì ổng đang rầu mà tao không rầu nên nói vậy, mà tại vì tao biết thế giới của tao, những người involved trong đó đều cho tao cảm giác là "ok, tui chắc chắn sẽ không ở lại đây đâu đó. (bởi vậy đừng thích tui rồi làm tui khổ nghen)". NGay bây giờ, tao đang có hơi anti social (thật ra là too antisocial mới đúng) nhưng mà chả hiểu sao tao thấy mình hoàn toàn ok. Cố gắng học hành, năm tháng rồi sẽ qua, phải không?
Tuổi trẻ, giống như là thử thách một chút, sóng gió một chút, chán nản một chút nhưng đòi hỏi cố gắng nhiều một chút để biết nơi mà mình muốn về.
P.s: tao muốn có người yêu giống Bình Minh.

Friday, March 4, 2011

some people just never get that they're making me want to stay away from them

2.05 pm. mellow friday afternoon.
Ok, so I think I don't like a lot of people. Especially right now. I don't have any problem with that as long as I don't have to deal with them. Geeez, you know what, if you weren't going to show up, text me a god damn message or just even leave an offline one. I already said that specific time and date, and it wasn't like it would cause you any inconvenience because I know when you would be done with class. So what's too much of a problem? I got annoyed not totally because I couldn't get my money, well, I kinda need some to buy a new pair of Toms right now, but hey, you didn't say a word for apology or excuse or whatnot. You people, can you just keep your words? Don't you get that not keeping your words is equivalent to lying. For once in a while, respect yourself by doing what you said. Why? Because you're making yourself not worth others' respect anymore. And you're wasting others' time. And you're losing other's trust. And you
re making me mad.
I got 86 for the Calc test, not as bad as I thought. The lowest grade is 14. I'm sooo curious to know who is that person. How can you possibly get a 14? I also got 9 points off my project 2, computer sci. They just took too many points off for harmless tiny mistakes :(
The weather is actually ideal out today, which means I could go out with flip flops and no jackets on. But it doesn't mean anything like a nice trip on Cubs to eat any kind of foods around town.
I hate fake people.
and lame ones too.
All I do all day is talking to myself.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

hello March

Ok, so here we are, the hottest blogger on Earth is back :))
It's 11'18 pm, March 1st 2011, I did great on Macroecon test and screwed the Calc one. Got only 40/50 on Art History. First day of March, a little bit wind chill now and then, I walked home asking myself how I could be so stupid. Then I laughed it off and it went by like a leave floating in the air.
So I just found out my dad was in hospital like 2 days ago. Some kind of famous one for heart disease. Of course, he's home now but this time, I felt the real stupidity. And something like fear arose inside. My parents are approaching the age that any kind of health attack could knock them down. The more I grow up, the older they get. I'm just afraid that they are getting older and older each day while I, myself, still can't get a sense of what it's like to be an adult.
I miss anh Tùng. A little bit. It may sound funny but I do somehow, especially when I have no clue where he has disappeared to now. He needs to be back from wherever he is, to piss me off so that the question "where is he" can stop wandering around my head. I mean, how can a person possibly vanish? what can he possibly be doing? those are the real questions I want to ask.
And JJ said he would be that big guy to protect me. Ok, so here we are, just us so I'm gonna tell the truth. I kinda like talking to him on the phone. Well, he always calls me of course. Actually, I get startled whenever we talk. It's like I'm being read, like he knows about me. Not exactly everything but enough to make me not know what to say in response. I don't know, maybe because he's a business person and he's also a lot older than me, I guess.
I like how cô Mướp knew what I would say when I put up that status. By the way, she's crushing on anh A. That's too cute, I mean when you like somebody. When you blush thinking about someone. When your heart skips a beat awkwardly when no one is around but the two of you. I don't know if cô Mướp does those things but I just love it when she talked about how you like someone a little bit more each day naturally.
Laundry is free to day in the Meadows so my roommate and I got our clothes, sheets, shams all done.
The drain in the bathtub is still clogged. Hopefully it'll be clear tomorrow.
The sky is clear, there are some stars at night. After almost being hit by the tornado, everything seems like they have a fresh life on.
Let's see, what else is new?
Roommate cooks more often than before. All good stuffs like bò nhúng giấm chấm mắm nêm. We're getting along well, talking loudly and laughing hard.
Oh, just got a VSA (Vietnamese Student Association) shirt. It was leftover from last year so Cường gave it to me for free. Size "S" is still too big on me.
Oh, just had a random trip to downtown by Metrolink, walked to the Arch, touched it and went back. I like random things. And didn't think I could laugh so hard that my tummy hurts when playing board games. Haha, at least I have some kind of social life sometimes.
That maybe it for now.
How is it over there?
19 more days to first day of Spring!