Friday, December 2, 2011

i am sleepy

So next week is the last week of school this semester, then comes the final exam week. Yup, sophomore year is half way through already. Time flies time flies.
I can tell we've been real busy. Facebook has some quiet days and I haven't been following any shows or dramas for the longest time or had time to finish that little book "kira kira".
All the streets in Saigon must have been lit up with lights and decorated with all kinds of Christmas stuff. Christmas season in a tropical city has never lost its exciting vibe. Remember those days when we were soooo excited to buy tons of cards and then give them to each other on the day of Christmas eve? I have stopped doing so since high school. Christmas those years, it felt like something was missing. Maybe this year, I should start the annual ritual over again. Just like the good old days huh? And we're gonna have better new days.
November is over. Wondering if season of the broken hearts has ended too. Well not that my heart was broken but knowing somebody who's having one isn't too good of a feeling either. But yeah, there will always be something like that, something that no words could ease the pain. Time will do its job and you will know what to do in time. Something like, having a broken heart...
ah, and I think I've got a job in the library. Sasa won't work there next semester so she introduced me in. And to tell the truth, it works the same way everywhere. The more people you know, the more advantage you gain. This is called "networking". Too bad I'm not sociable enough to spread my network that wide.
oh, and I trimmed my bangs the other day. Turned out ok, I mean I didn't làm quá like that hyper time in high school. Maybe I will trim my bangs on my own from now on while growing my hair.
Mann I dont think I can keep my eyes open much longer. So this is goodbye for now.
oh, and I enjoyed my 4 days in NJ. And by that, I think I have grown up a little bit more, into a girl who knows more about who she is. This is pretty cool I have to say.
Ok, real bye bye now.
Let's be productive this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. u have to blog more often Thao !!!
    truoc xmas thi vui con xmas nham nhi cha co gi haha
