Tuesday, December 13, 2011


And yesss, I'm sooo done with unix. Final day and a guy freakin stole my seat. Common' people, why does it always have to be me? Anyway, I actually feel good about the exam. Hope my professor will feel the same way.
So I've got Java tonight and Comp. Arch. and Org. tomorrow night and then sushi at Drunken Fish with him. Mannn you have no idea what I've been eating for the past week. I've even thought that I will throw up what I cooked while eating some day. So yeah, all I think about all day long is salmon @.@
I'm still waiting for that letter from International Student Office to apply for my social security number to work. I'm gonna work for my camera, that's pretty exciting. Once I get my camera, you guys will get to know what he looks like hahha.
And it is pretty clear now the handsome Hispanic butcher guy's been hitting on me. Trust me, he's handsome and has the cutest big smile and he always saves that smile for me. (I was gonna say "for only me" but Thảo Nguyên and I keep saying we're gonna rình him someday to see if he does that to anyone else but we never did). At first I thought he was good-looking and that was all and now I just feel awkward and uncomfortable if I pass by the butcher's and the sea food section. Feel like I'm put into the spotlight. No, they put me into the spotlight. Mann, it's a freakin asian market and now I can't even feel comfortable walking in. Anyway, when Thảo Nguyên is not here anymore, I don't think I'm gonna see him again.
500 days of summer came back to me all of a sudden thanks to youtube suggestion. The final conversation just hit me slowly but deeply. And I know it is totally irrelevant, but somehow I have this thinking that, maybe he's not my Tom but I'm probably his Summer. Or we both are Summer to each other. If it is so, then I'm cool with it. Cuz then, no one will break down after we part and every one will find their Autumn somewhere along the road. Cuz yes, you have to be through many Summers for that one Autumn to come. Make it worth it. Everything will figure itself out and make perfect sense in the end. So will every Summer in our life.
Ukie dukie, guess it's time for some last Java wrap-ups.
Get online some times while I'm in break. After Wednesday night and I'm ready for late night conversations. Heck yeahhh!!

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