Friday, December 16, 2011


I don't know. I'm a little bit down today. Yesterday too. Finals all went ok. I got two A's already.
My right wisdom tooth is hurting me again.
Mướp left tonight. I called her by google call. It was sweet of her to say that she's afraid she won't be able to talk to me much. It always feels good to know that you have real best friends around you, you know?
Ok, the fact is, damn, I like him. Not good. Cuz I was always trying to deny it to myself but now, I have to admit it. I don't know, the fact that I like him that much to be able to admit to myself kinda knocks me off my feet a little bit. It's cool and it's sad at the same time when we do care about each other without promising anything. We have nothing to promise to each other anyway. You know, I haven't got to my twenties, he hasn't had his career yet and we don't belong to a same place. I guess that's the most uncool part. I guess...
Well, what always happens? Life.
Have the best of the nicest time of the year you guys.
I'll get better stories for you later.

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