Monday, February 6, 2012

update you

Omgoshh, it's been forever since my last entry. Sorry I've kept you waiting Hiền.
School hasn't been that busy yet but since I'm working 4 hours a day Monday to Friday, I feel kinda worn out. But hell yeah, I'm making money to cover my rent and groceries so it should be worth it (though basically all the money I made's been spent up on them). About my cheap nikon camera, I can tell it's still a long way to go. And too bad, I want that Nokia N9 phone also. I'm such a đua đòi kid.
My face has been breaking out. Wondering when I will get rid of acne forever. If it is for my sleeping habit, I'm not sure I can't do anything about it. Because I'd rather stay up late to finish whatever I have to do. But why meee, tons of people are staying up late everyday but they don't have a pimple on their face so why meee?
I've been trying to keep up with my exercise too. 3 days a week. I mean it's time to do something, to work out on those muscles and move my body a little bit so that I can feel stronger and more energetic. Ok, that's some lame talk, I just want skinny legs that's all. I even thought the moment I my legs got skinny, I would quit exercising right away hahah.
Calc 3 is not a pieace of cake. I'm kinda lost with the professor's French accent sometimes and he doesn't put headings on the board so most of the time I don't know what what we're calculating is for. Statistics with Dotzel is nice. I had him for calc 2 and he still remembers me and I wish I could have him for calc 3. It would be so much easier for me to understand.
And yes, can't wait to finish school and go back home and eat like crazy. Nakajima said in The lake "cooking for just one person is a waste of time and a waste of food" and that is sooo true. Eating then become just something you have to do to charge your body with energy. Not fun like eating is supposed to be.
And about him, he's been busy too. Hasn't been calling everyday. I'm glad that he's working hard on school though. I rewind some moments with him now and then, but I don't feel weighed down inside. We have two years ahead, it's not that long but not too short either, so I'll let time lead the way.
Ukie, I'm gonna go finish making coffee for tomorrow. Gonna put a lot of milk in a big glass and mix freshly brewed coffee in. Guess I'm heading to bed afterwards.
Let's make this week full of sunshine though it's gonna be so cold as hell.

1 comment:

  1. "cooking for just one person is a waste of time and a waste of food"
    lúc đầu đọc tới cái này tao cũng hết hồn.
    vậy khi nào mới được nhìn thấy ảnh của he nhỉ ...
