Tuesday, October 25, 2011

something meant for me today

Một nửa bên trong bảo "không sao đâu Thảo, nếu lỡ fail lớp này still, it's not the end of the world".
Nửa còn lại nói "yeah right, it's not the end of the word, but it's the end of my beautiful GPA."
Một nửa tự nhủ "it's just one class out of five. If you can do fine in the other 4, then we have to consider the way the professor lectures"
Nửa còn lại "so why are there people who can get a hundred and even higher on their tests?"
Nửa kia "ok I'm only 19, the youngest one in all of my classes. No one's gonna say I'm stupid just because I flunk this class"
Nửa còn lại "Face it Thao, you do feel stupid."
Nửa kia "It's not the end of the world!"
Nửa còn lại "You just hate the feeling that you're not one of the smart ones in class"
I don't like this feeling. The feeling of not being able to ace it. But yeah...true. It is not the end of the world.
It's ok to fail. But don't let anything beat you up and bring you down.
Such a nice breezy day. The sky is so high and clear. The temperature is just right. A typical day when you've got the feeling "mannn, life is worth living". I'm listening to All about you, another K-indie song. I'm so in love with this music, like it is meant for me. You know how you see a pair of shoes and right away you know they are what you've been searching for and you can't wait to walk in them? That's how I feel about those songs. They are so mellow, so gentle and so pleasant like an autumn breeze blowing brown leaves up in the air.
Again, cuộc sống thật đáng yêu đáng mến. Hiệp sĩ, even if you've come, I'm afraid I can't let you be my hiệp sĩ right away. Bởi vì tôi thấy tôi quá coooool hahahha.
What is meant for you today?
There must be something. Really. You just have to look for it.
Enjoy your day my sunshine!

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