Saturday, July 21, 2012

'cuz the best part was falling'

Oh gosh, something went wrong with my laptop and I have to reinstall windows, which means now I don't have any music, k-dramas or photos on this computer. Took the whole day to update windows too. This sucks big time.
Next Sunday is my move out day. Don't know how it's gonna go to live with a whole bunch of guys under a same roof. We went out for ice cream last weekend and it was fun so I guess it won't be too bad. I'm actually looking forward to it though the whole thing about having to wear bras even at home sounds really unappealing to me but whatever, I think it's going to be a nice experience. Say 5 or 10 years later when I look back, I'll probably say "Oh wow, I spent my junior year in college living in a house with just guys". You know, that kind of experience, it would be a story to tell.
And I love Pillsburry dough hahha. Bought the kind for french bread and put it in the oven half an hour ago and now it smells so damn good. The smell of freshly baked bread is irresistible in a hot summer night. It brings you that comforting feeling, making you believe in good things in life.
Yesterday at work, I was waiting for the elevator when it opened to that handsome guy I occasionally see downstairs. Oh gosh he's attractive. And old too. Must be in his thirties. At that moment, how I wished a wholesome guy would come and sweep me off my feet hahhaha.
Summer heat is still burning and I've got noticeably darker. Yeah that's what you get from walking back and forth from school every day in this smoking hot weather. My hair even got a hint of brown now. I kinda like it though. Feel like I've grown stronger and sturdier and this is exactly the way I should live. Being good on my own. I am proud for the fact that, compared to the person I was a month ago, I am now feeling much more energetic. It wasn't a love story so it didn't hurt badly, just tingled for a little bit and now it's all gone. I don't even practice the hateful conversation I thought I would have with him when we meet again anymore. What's for after all? And if I can keep myself this balanced until we see each other, I think I may even say hi and smile at him. That's how good I'm feeling about myself now.
I'm seeing Yen about 3 more weeks later. Gosh it's been 2 freakin years. Tell me Yen, are we gonna hug when you see me at the airport? Or is it gonna get awkward ahhaha? 2 years, people would say it's not a super long time but boy, but I'm glad we have got closer through these 2 years. Trust me, I talk to you a lot more than I talk to anyone here.
And yes, it's past midnight. Woohoo to an unproductive Saturday doing nothing but getting laptop to work again.
Say hi to Nha Trang and all the fresh sea food for me!

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