Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ok, so I'm typing this while waiting for the rice to be cooked. Man I'm hungry.
And I went to chú's house this afternoon. Turned out there were topics the prof hadn't covered yet and hw isn't due till Wednesday so there wasn't much to do. So we watched a movies about gangsters called "Pulp Fiction" with all Hollywood big names and I didn't really understand what was going on or why they were shooting at each other and the movies was really long and my never-watch-again list just got another name in it.
I don't know, I'm afraid I'm kinda falling for him and I know he kinda likes me too but like, I'm a little bit scared. Do I like him because I like him or because I know he likes me? And...I don't know, why all of a sudden. It was Mâu Mâu's birthday, not mine so why is this happening to me now, I didn't wear the "magic hat" you guys made. He did touch my hand and I did lean towards him a little bit but that was it. We didn't hug or anything.
I feel like I just suddenly jumped into "adult world" right now. I mean someday we'll all have to go through these, meeting someone, thinking about someone, dating someone, loving someone,...but it is so strange to experience them for the real first time. And you guys or my sister are not even with me. I would never tell this to my mom, or at least the time being. She would freak out and get anxious and say something like I shouldn't be like that. Don't want her to have a heart attack.
Why am I so far away from you? Why aren't we exploring all these together? I hate this.

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