Tuesday, June 22, 2010

and we wont be coming back

So I graduated from high school today. It felt more like a relief to me than some kind of sadness in the last moments seeing those teachers and those kids.
The last day I stepped in that school, I still said hi to Mr.Bem. He was always, always kind to me though I was never in his class. That stupid locker incident got us to know each other and from that point, I had sworn to myself that I would always be grateful for what he did.
Mrs. Higgins was in the cafeteria. She was walking around looking for every student in her class to give them her hugs. I got one from her too. I dont know. I was like "Ok, i'm not gonna freakin cry because of what she said". I didnt. But her words did touch me. I know from now on, whenever I hear the song "stay alive", the first thing would come to my mind is Eng class period 7. It was the luckiest thing to have Mrs.Higgins and to be in her Eng class.
Here is the bad thing. I still can recognize him from behind. And to make it worse, I still think he is so handsome. Sometimes when I looked back, that little crush I had for him was kinda sweet. When we danced. When he did his trick. When we laughed. When he called me to the side and talked real low. When our topic was about manga and computer games. I'm gonna remember all those tiny teeny details. I am super curious that if he ever thought that I had such a crush for him. Probably not huh ?
So this school year finally officially has come to an end. It was like a dream. Not a sweet sweet dream but still like a dream. I wasnt myself. High school kids could be incredibly mean sometimes. Well, if somebody asked me if I had a great year and made a lot of friends, I wouldnt hesitate to say "no" at all. But I survived in the end. There are things I want to remember. There are people that I am grateful for their existences in my life. And despite how much I didnt like it, I want to say thanks in the most sincere way.
Bye bye Vernon Township High School ! No matter what, I can never change the fact that you are my last year of my school life.

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