Wednesday, November 3, 2010

wearing red t-shirt saying "It's me"

How many times in my life did I not know that it could be the last time I could see somebody?
The second year away from home, the second time I received a phone call from my parents telling me somebody had died. It is scary. And I asked myself, while I am still here, how many more people will be gone and how many more times will I regret the typical carelessness of youth? After all, what can I do? There's nothing I can change. People die, they die. Even if I were there, they still die. It is scary how people started not to be there anymore, you know?
I am that kind of person who is really afraid to get lost. Maybe I am one of a kind though. Being in a new place hence makes me feel like I belong to nowhere. This road I don't know. That road I don't know how to get there. Well well well, even those streets in Lang dai hoc I can't even remember which is which. That's is how pathetic I am. If only I had better sense of direction because since I came here, every road just looks the same to me.
Sounds strange enough but I hate it when my roommate gets bad grade. Because then, she wouldn't feel good. And then, she would sit in her seat, which is opposite from mine, studying in amazingly high concentration. I would come home from school, cold and hungry, crack some joke and get nothing fun a response from her. And then, we both sit super silently do our own work. The kind of heavy silence that makes you want to kick the other's butt and scream out loud some crazy words. And then, she's off to her boyfriend's. And then, I sit alone thinking about how she brings me down with her bad grade, cursing a little bit inside and giving up any last effort to fight against the fact I am so lonely. But I get used to the silence though. I mean she usually spends the night at her boyfriend's no matter what kind of grade she gets and what kind of mood she's in. I just hate how I have the feeling that I have to keep my grades up or she will think I am not so smart. It's a very annoying feeling.
To sum it up, I look like hell in this cold weather. Fall break is coming and my face's breaking out. Those ugly zits hurt. Vietnam night is on Friday and I haven't gone over all the dance moves yet and I have no confidence in that guy who's gonna bring me up in the show.
It's 1:02 Am already. Good night for me and good afternoon for you guys!


  1. Cant even remember the streets in lang dai hoc, haha, qua đó chơi nhiều thì nhớ liền =))

  2. shut up Khoi. Lam nhu t i't di choi lam vay
