Friday, August 28, 2015

hold my hand

"tell me that you got me
and you're never gonna leave"

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

You're at work now. And I just got back from lunch with a friend. It was all very nice. We hugged each other when we met, and hugged again when we said goodbye. An hour and a half went by briefly. We caught up over ramen soup in a not-to-tiny but crowded place. Good day for ramen - cool enough it makes you start craving for something steamy. She asked how we were doing, "we" as in you and me. I said everything is good. It's pretty amazing to finally make it and see you after all that time. I left out the fact that I just realized how much I loved your hip bones as well as your hairy chest though. I think I'll keep that to myself. Everything is well with her and her boyfriend, too. Though, she did mention it starts to feel a little different now that their honeymoon phase is fading, and asked me how I dealt with it especially with the distance. I sense a secret pride in my heart and thought to myself, "shit, we've gone a long way".
So I walked her back to her work. We talked along the way. I liked the walk. The sun and the shades, the new city and the old friend, they all blend in nicely, almost too perfectly for me to believe that I'm actually here, staying with you. My mind could get a little hazy sometimes I guess.
On the way back, a door man noticed the baseball cap I had on. Your Giant team baseball cap that was. He asked me something about baseball, which I couldn't make sense out of because of my knowledge on the sport is limited, next-to-zero limited, so I just said it was yours, "my boyfriend's cap", I just took it to wear going out. He told me to tell you, "your boyfriend", that he hoped the team would be doing well. I said thank you, wished him a good day and said goodbye. We parted. It felt nice to refer to you as my boyfriend, and hearing someone refer to you as mine. Though I don't think you should slip out "my T-rex girlfriend" to anyone. That would be awkward.
You'll be home in about 2 hours. You left the keys home for me so you'll have to knock and I'll have to come open the door for you. I think my day has been made just picturing the moment. Who needs to see all the touristy sites, I have all of those moments I've been dreaming of to wait for.
Come home soon. I'll make dinner tonight.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

about that trip

"I'm not stressed about the trip.
I'm stressed about not being on that trip anymore."